**NEW 1/30/24: Updated FAQs and responses below.

NEW 12/20/23: Missouri is in the process of developing a Master Plan on Aging (MPA). This cross-sector, state-led strategic planning resource will help Missouri transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for its rapidly aging population, people with disabilities, and caregivers. An important piece of the MPA includes a comprehensive, statewide needs assessment.

Conducting a statewide needs assessment for Missourians age 50+, adults with disabilities, and caregivers will allow the MPA Advisory Council to create a plan based on current data and needs. This data will guide the development of goals and priorities in Missouri’s MPA.

The contractor will work with the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging (ma4), designated members of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), and the MPA Committee, to evaluate the needs of three targeted demographic groups:

  • Missourians age 50+
  • Adults with Disabilities
  • Caregivers

The deadline for proposals is February 16, 2024. For more information on the request and how to submit a bid: REQUEST FOR BIDS

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS-This will be updated as questions are received. Last update 1/30/2024


Question: We recently came across the 2024-2027 Missouri State Plan on Aging while preparing to respond to the Statewide Needs Assessment RFP.  There was no recognition of this report in the RFP documents or acknowledgement of this previous work effort. Considering the breadth of this study we are curious to learn what the State hopes to glean from this additional Statewide Needs Assessment and why MA4 is opening this up to bid again.   Were you dissatisfied with the results?  Do you need additional resources to get through the high volume of surveys and participation rate you are requesting in this current RFP?

Reply: Please see the RFP “Background Information.”

“Missouri is in the process of developing a Master Plan on Aging. This cross-sector, state-led strategic planning resource will help Missouri transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for its rapidly aging population, people with disabilities, and caregivers. An important piece of the Master Plan on Aging includes a comprehensive, statewide needs assessment. Conducting a statewide needs assessment for Missourians age 50+, adults with disabilities, and caregivers will allow the Missouri Master Plan on Aging Advisory Council to create a plan based on current data and needs. This data will guide the development of goals and priorities in Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging.”

Also: “Purpose and Goal”
“The Master Plan on Aging Needs Assessment will help the state determine the needs of older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers in Missouri. The assessment results will be used to develop goals, objectives, and strategies for all levels of government in Missouri, from state to county and local city governments, aging and disability network providers, and policymakers.”

This is the first ever such assessment by Missouri on a statewide scale such as this. We have not done such an assessment previously.

Question: Approximately how many questions the survey is going to be?

Reply: This has not been determined as of this time.

Question: We know the quota is to have 10,000 surveys completed across the state, with 2,500 coming from phone or in person respondents. That said, is there a quota for how many response are desired from each target demographic?

No quota defined for each target demographic



Question: Is the timeline flexible? Is there a report deadline?

Reply: The project timeline is:

  • Request for Bids: January 3 through February 16, 2024  
  • Review of Bids: February 19 through February 24,  2024  
  • Awarding of Contract: By March 15  
  • Project Kick-Off Target: April 1  
  • Survey Collection: 2 to 3 months  
  • Analysis and Reporting: 1-2 months 
  • The final report will be due by September 30, 2024.

Question: Is the survey development the responsibility of the contractor? 

Reply: No, the survey tool will be provided to the vendor. The survey tool is not complete at this time.

Question: Does ma4/ DHSS have set topic areas they are looking to survey about? (access to care, gaps in services etc.)

Reply: Yes. Once the survey tool is complete, ma4/DHSS will provide the vendor with the survey tool.

Question: Will ma4/DHSS be able to provide email addresses and contact information for seniors for online anonymous link survey distribution or is the contractor responsible for obtaining contact information? In addition, can ma4 assist in identifying survey respondents such as the home-bound and unhoused in order to minimize and overcome research limitations?

Reply: The vendor would be expected to procure contact information for all phone and in-person survey respondents. Ma4/DHSS will assist with online surveys by promoting/encouraging online survey participation.

Question: Do you require the survey tool to be translated into Spanish?  Any other prevalent language?

Reply: Vendor will not be responsible for translating the survey.