Show Me Summit on Aging & Health 2024

The Age of Opportunity

September 9 – 11, 2024

The Missouri Association of Levy Boards and Senior Organizations (MoALSO) will once again host an annual member meeting in tandem with the Show Me Summit. The MoALSO meeting is a pre-Summit event, and registration is open to current senior levy fund boards and other advocates and organizations interested in learning more about local county funding to support older Missourians. *MoALSO will also present a breakout session during the Summit to help advocates interested in learning more about establishing a Levy Fund in their communities.

Meeting: Monday, September 9, 2024, 7:30 am – Noon

Register Now to attend the MoALSO Senior Levy Boards Meeting:

For questions contact Tina Uridge: 1.816.455.4800 or

Find Out More about MoALSO
Missouri Communities Continue to Thrive Because of a Vibrant Senior Population

The Missouri Association of Levy Boards & Senior Organizations (MoALSO) assists and supports current levy boards, members, and other stakeholders through networking and education. MoALSO also provides assistance to groups interested in passing a senior levy in their counties and advocates around state issues impacting older adults.

55 out of 115 Missouri Counties have a Senior Levy Fund. Passed in the Missouri General Assembly in 1989, RSMo 67.990 allows counties to go to the voters to allow a tax of up to 5 cents per $100 of assessed valuation upon all taxable property for the purpose of providing services to persons sixty years of age or older.