2/6/25: A looming crisis threatens essential services for 150,000 vulnerable older adults in Missouri who rely on Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). Federally funded, AAAs provide critical support, including home-delivered meals, transportation, caregiver assistance, and in-home care, enabling seniors to age in place – a preference shared by the vast majority of Missourians. While federal…
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AAA services help older adults remain independent in the homes of their choice. Our approach is geared toward bringing services to people, not people to services.
Find resources about healthy aging, caregiving, elder abuse prevention, dementia, and more.
Learn about ma4’s advocacy priorities and how you can get involved.
About ma4
Missouri Association of Area Agencies – ma4 – is the leading resource for service, information, and advocacy to improve the lives of aging Missourians. ma4 supports the effectiveness and capacity of Missouri’s ten AAAs by working with community partners to strengthen advocacy efforts, share information, maximize resources, and assist staff and caregivers in supporting adults to live independently in the homes of our choice for as long as we choose. We advocate at the local, state, and federal level for services and supports that enhance the lives of older adults in the state of Missouri.
About ma4Your Voice Matters! Help Shape Missouri's Master Plan on Aging!
Your Voice Matters! Thank you to the thousands of Missourians who participated in the statewide Needs Assessment for Missouri’s historic Master Plan on Aging! This past year, Missouri’s ten Area Agencies on Aging partnered with the Department of Health and Senior Services to conduct the needs assessment – in addition to hosting ten in-person Town Hall Listening Sessions across every region in the state. Gathering input on the needs of Missourians as we age from thousands of individuals is helping to create a roadmap to plan for policies and allocate resources to help all of us age with dignity! By the end of 2025, results of the three year planning process will be shared with the Governor to establish a clear framework for the next ten + years. Thank you for helping make Missouri a great place to live and age with dignity! To find out more about Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging and to leave your thoughts, go to: Missouri’s Master Plan on Aging using the link below:
Missouri's Master Plan on AgingLatest News
Looming Emergency Impacting Missouri’s Older Adults
THE LOOMING EMERGENCY: BACKGROUND: Federal funding from the Older Americans Act provides vital support such as home-delivered meals, and transportation to over 150,000 older Missourians. While federal funds are available, Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) will exhaust its spending authority for these funds by March 2025. Without immediate legislative action, Area Agencies…
Read More →Urge Congress to Invest in the Older Americans Act
Great News: Last night the US Senate passed the Older Americans Act Reauthorization via unanimous consent. Thank you for your quick action contacting your Senators before Thanksgiving to ensure this happened! We still need your help! This legislation now moves to the House, and you can help by contacting your Congressman to urge quick passage before…
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