Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging (ma4) is the leading voice for service, information, and advocacy to improve the lives of older Missourians.
Building Connections
ma4 is the statewide association of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), which together provide almost $100 million worth of services annually to adults 60+ in every county in Missouri.
Services include nutrition, home delivered meals, wellness, chronic disease management, home modification, care transitions, transportation, social connectedness, caregiving, in-home and personal care services, Medicare options counseling, legal services, ongoing learning, and many other services intended to help adults age in the place they call home.
AAAs have a high level of trust among aging Missourians and their caregivers. Our ten AAAs and 200+ Senior Centers throughout Missouri are community anchors in almost every county throughout the state.

Doing Great Things: FY 2021

Building Capacity
ma4 supports the effectiveness and capacity of Missouri’s AAAs by working with community partners to strengthen advocacy efforts, share information, maximize resources, and assist staff and caregivers in supporting adults to live independently, in the homes of their choice, for as long as they choose.
With support from AAAs, adults age in their own homes, sustain their health, and avoid premature, high-cost institutional care.
Why AAA Funding Matters
When AAAs are Under-Funded | When AAAs are Funded |
$42,000 for ONE senior to stay one year in a skilled Medicaid facility | $12,000 for AAA services to keep one senior safely at home |
Costly medical bills after a senior’s fall | Wellness classes to prevent falls |
Hospital care for a senior suffering malnourishment and anxiety | Nutritious meals delivered by a friendly volunteer |
ER costs for a senior who needs a touch of reassurance | Reassurance calls from a volunteer who reminds the senior they matter |
Emergency transportation-because that’s the only option | Transportation to medical visits from an AAA volunteer |
The medical decline of a senior who loses purpose and will | A senior center where friends meet, care for one another, and find purpose |