Expanding the Possibilities, September 11-13, 2023 – Columbia, MO

The 18th Show Me Summit on Aging & Health was a resounding success, with over 380 attendees. Governor Parson addressed the Summit, highlighting the importance of the work that Area Agencies on Aging do for older adults across Missouri. The theme of Expanding the Possibilities, featured over 36 workshops along with keynote speaker, Nancy Morrow-Howell of Washington University; Sandy Markwood, CEO of USAging, Dr. Laura Naught from Department of Health and Senior Services; and bioethicist John Carney.

Melanie Highland, Director of Health and Senior Services, offered a session on Navigating Long-Term Services and Supports; and Mindy Ulstad, Bureau Chief of Senior Services, provided an update on Missouri’s historic Master Plan on Aging. The Summit provided a valuable opportunity for professionals to learn innovative ideas in aging services, to exchange best practices, as well as to network with peers.

The 2023 Summit convened 380 leaders in the aging services network from across the state and country to tackle important issues to Expand the Possibilities for Healthy Aging in Missouri.

The Summit featured dynamic programming with a welcome from Governor Michael Parson who discussed Missouri’s historic Master Plan on Aging. Keynote Speaker, Sandy Markwood, Executive Director of USAging, congratulated Missouri on being one of a handful of states to embark on a Master Plan on Aging; Sandy challenged participants to champion and support the needs of all Missourians across the lifespan. Nancy Morrow-Howell, Washington University, Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging, encouraged attendees to counter ageism by reframing the way we think and talk about aging to tell a more complete story of aging. Open, honest, and insightful conversations sparked innovative ideas and fostered collaboration across the state.

View the 2023 Program

2022 Show Me Summit on Aging & Health

Kansas City, MO Sept. 12-14, 2022: After a two-year pause, ma4 brought the annual Show Me Summit on Aging and Health to Kansas City, joining with the annual Age Positive: Ideas for an Age-Friendly Future Conference. The Summit was organized around the theme “We Are Better Together!”

More than 300 attendees heard from experts in the field of aging at the Intercontinental Hotel on the Plaza. The conference was targeted to those working with older adults in area agencies on aging, senior centers, community centers, libraries, park districts and other venues that offer programming or services for older adults.

The 2022 Summit was a welcome return and was especially celebratory in partnership with Age Positive. 

Keynote Speaker: Kathy Greenlee encouraged participants to share their voices in advocacy for Missouri’s adults who are aging and adults living with disabilities. The best advocates are trusted, smart, steady, helpful, resourceful, and compassionate. They believe in mission and in people. A great advocate understands their voice matters. Kathy Greenlee, J.D., served for seven years as U.S. Assistant Secretary for Aging and Administrator of the Administration for Community Living, at the Department of Health & Human Services in Washington, D.C. Prior to working in Washington, she worked for 18 years in Kansas state government, including her time as Kansas Secretary of Aging. During her 25 years in public service, Kathy developed expertise in the areas of aging, long-term care, disability, elder abuse, health care, LGBTQ health, and community-based services. Greenlee currently works as a consultant on projects related to Medicaid, aging services, nursing home care and elder abuse. She is the board chair for the National Council on Aging. Kathy is a University of Kansas graduate, having received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a J.D. from the School of Law.

We are so grateful for our 2022 Sponsors and Exhibitors who made the Show Me Summit on Aging and Health a great success! This one of a kind, joint Summit with ma4 and Age Positive was a sold-out event – sold-out for attendees and exhibitors! Thank you to our incredible sponsors and exhibitors for helping us celebrate the chance to be together again in person as we collaborated on best practices and discovered new skills and strategies to make Missouri a place where we can all age with dignity and choice.

2019 Show Me Summit on Aging & Health