- Missouri is facing an unprecedented situation that could jeopardize vital services to older adults served by the Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs).
- Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) projects it will exhaust its spending authority for Older Americans Act (OAA) funds by March 2025. Federal funds have already been awarded and are available now.
- A regular Budget Supplemental, often occurs in April, leaving insufficient time to prevent service disruptions. This is why an Early Supplemental for Spending Authority is necessary.
- For the months of March, April, May, and June, 2025, 150,000 older adults risk the loss of services.
Federal funding from the Older Americans Act provides vital support such as home-delivered meals, and transportation to over 150,000 older Missourians. While federal funds are available, Missouri’s Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) will exhaust its spending authority for these funds by March 2025. Without immediate legislative action, Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) will be forced to drastically reduce or eliminate services such as home-delivered meals, transportation, in-home services, caregiver support, and other vital support for older adults, beginning in March, 2025.
ma4 and Missouri’s ten AAAs request an Early Supplemental Budget authorizing spending to be granted to DHSS immediately to prevent disruptions or elimination of services in March, April, May, and June 2025.
We are taking proactive measures to curtail the emergency. This situation requires urgent action from the Governor and the Legislature.
The Governor and key legislators are aware of the situation. We are optimistic that we have the support of the legislature and the Governor to act to correct this. However, the timing is urgent, and we may need your support in advocating for swift action.
At the moment, we await the release of the Governor’s Budget (anticipated January 28th).
How You Can Help:
- At the current moment, we are proceeding carefully, and we ask you to respond carefully as well. Since Governor Kehoe has been in office for just about a week, we want to be respectful and allow him time to respond.
- Governor Kehoe’s staff has assured us that the Governor is aware of the urgency of the situation and is supportive of older adults and the Area Agencies on Aging.
- Senator Hough and Representative Deaton are also aware of the situation.
- Please reach out to your local State Representative and Senator to alert them of the situation (sample messaging below).
- *A Supplemental Budget could be slower than needed for the AAAs (potentially not occurring until April).
- Authorization will require passage in the House and Senate, and legislators need to be aware of the urgency in this completing this by the end of March (preferably sooner).
- Please stay alert for updates and sign up for ma4 news and action alerts under “Get Updates”.
Sample Messaging
Please support older Missourians who are at risk of losing vital services provided by Area Agencies on Aging. An Early Supplemental Budget must be passed by March 30, 2025 – authorizing the expenditure of funds. No new funds are requested – simply the authorization to spend existing federal OAA funds already allocated to the AAAs. Without action, AAAs may not be able to continue services such as home-delivered meals, transportation, in-home services, caregiver support, and much more. Older Missourians are counting on you! Thank you!