Missouri is in the process of developing a Master Plan on Aging (MPA). This cross-sector, state-led strategic planning resource will help Missouri transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for its rapidly aging population, people with disabilities, and caregivers. An important piece of the MPA includes a comprehensive, statewide needs assessment.
Conducting a statewide needs assessment for Missourians age 50+, adults with disabilities, and caregivers will allow the MPA Advisory Council to create a plan based on current data and needs. This data will guide the development of goals and priorities in Missouri’s MPA.
The contractor will work with the Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging (ma4) and designated members of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) to create a validated survey to evaluate the needs of Missourians age 50+, adults with disabilities, and caregivers. The contractor will conduct a rigorous survey with a multi-contact, multi-modal methodology to meet the needs of the targeted audience.
ma4 seeks bids from qualified survey research firms to conduct this statewide survey. For more information on the request and how to submit a bid: REQUEST FOR BID – MPA